Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Hello Curlys!

Hope you all had a fab Easter  Holiday! Mine was grand!! Ate a bit to much brandy fruit cake tho..hehehehe, but am good! 

 So you all know that before you even think of going Natural you need a lot of essentials, when I say a lot , I mean A LOT!! (Just kidding) you  need a few bits and bobs to help you get through your natural hair journey.

  •  Key essential one!!! Lay off the CREAMY CRACK! You need to send yourself to what I call the Imaginative Naturalville Rehab centre, to help you cleanse your mind and being from these harsh chemicals, get rid of the mind set that straight hair makes you feel beautiful, and embrace your natural kinks and curls! Trust me its not an easy path to tread on, so its best to be fully prepared for the journey ahead, because curlys it aint easy! 
  • Essential Two, would be a SPRAY BOTTLE! A spray bottle is very important because if you are the type that doesn't like washing your hair everyday or every other day, then Mr Spray Bottle is your best friend! lol...While trying to style your hair, you need a lot of moisture to start, which makes it easy for you to manage and comb(if necessary) while styling. Water gets your hair to shine and gives it a healthy glow and feel. Asides from using the spray bottle to moisturise your hair during styling, you all know that your hair needs daily moisture and oils, first thing I do if I don't wash my hair is to spray my hair with water, mixed with various oils, then before I go to bed I repeat the same procedure and seal my hair with a satin scarf or satin bonnet, this automatically leads me to my third essential.
    Spray Bottle
  • SATIN BONNETS OR SCARVES...Either of these essentials are good to own. Our hair is very prone to brittleness and split ends which are caused by dryness, and dryness is due to may factors, one being cotton textiles, am sure you guys are like huh??!! Lemme explain, lets face it most of us use cotton pillowcases, these cotton pillowcases tend to absorb the moisture and oils from our hair causing our hair to be dry and brittle, but if you sleep with a satin bonnet/scarf it helps your hair retain and lock in its moisture, making your hair soft and fluffy in the morning. If you don't like tying scarves or wearing bonnets to sleep, then your best option it to purchase a good satin pillow case, it does the same trick!
    Satin Bonnet
    Satin Scarves

  • WIDE TOOTH COMB AND BRUSHES....Like Duh! who doesn't know that! LOL..don't get it twisted curls, there are combs and there are combs, likewise brushes too. When shopping for wide tooth combs you need to be careful and not purchase combs that have tiny teeth in between the comb itself (trust me I have seen combs like that), these combs are very harmful to your hair because they tend to yank stands off your hair and also cause strands of your hair to knot. I also prefer to use Denman hair brush which doesn't have those tiny like balls on top of the bristle, those tiny like balls also cause your hair to knot and yanks out strands of your hair,  so guys play safe and buy the right combs and brushes!
    Wide Tooth Combs
    Denman Brush
  • Last but not the least, OILS, OILS, OILS!!! Oils are the essential of the essentials!!! If you don't have oils, you aint no natural!! Lool..just joking oo! But seriously tho you need oils for a healthy head of hair and kinks. Oils keep you hair moiztured and from the prying hands of dryness, it also makes your hair elastic, elastic in the sense that oils prevent your hair from breaking and damaging especially from everyday styling, manipulation and harsh weather. I prefer to mix two different oils for my hair and scalp daily, I alternate between coconut, olive, almond, grapeseed, jojoba,and macadamia oils., they keep my hair feeling soft and luscious. Asides from using oils, you can also use moisturizers, but stick to water based moisturizers rather than petroleum and mineral based oils. Click on MY TRANSITIONING AND BIG CHOP STORY to get a list of essential oils for naturals.
Pure Natural Oils 
If you are a newbiee to the natural hair world, I hope this post has give insight to the essentials for your Natural hair journey. Please feel free to leave comments and ask questions. And also remember Hair does not bind us together! Love does!! Till the next post stay BLESSED!! xoxoxo!


  1. useful tips,great job keep it up

  2. Thanks!! Am glad you like it!

  3. Tanks for sharing
